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Dry Needle Therapy

up close of young man getting acupuncture in the middle of his back

Our Chiropractic Dry Needling in Kansas City is a hands-on therapeutic technique that focuses on healing dysfunctional muscle tissue in the body. We use thin needles similar to those used in acupuncture to penetrate the skin and target specific points known as myofascial trigger points, which are tense bands of tissue. This process stimulates involuntary muscle twitching and triggers various biochemical reactions, ultimately reducing muscle tension and restoring normal function.

By inserting the needles into these trigger points, the treatment promotes intramuscular stimulation, which enhances blood flow in areas where muscle knots are present. This, in turn, helps release the trigger points and relieve muscular tension, resulting in reduced pain and lower acid levels. Because the needle can treat very deep parts of the muscle, the technique can achieve amazing pain relief that you never thought was possible.

To further relax the muscles and regulate neuromuscular activity, electrical stimulation is often combined with Dry Needling. This combination allows patients to experience relief and enjoy an increased range of motion.

Call today to see how Dry Needling in Overland Park and Kansas City can help you move better and feel better!


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